
Understanding The Home Schooling Curriculum
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More and more parents are turning to home schooling in order to spare their children the violence, bullying, and peer pressure which have invaded so many public school classrooms and made them environments unfriendly to serious learning. And many parents also prefer to monitor their children’s learning progress first-hand, instead of depending on the end-or-term report card to let them know if their child is having difficulty with a subject.
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More and more parents are turning to home schooling in order to spare their children the violence, bullying, and peer pressure which have invaded so many public school classrooms and made them environments unfriendly to serious learning. And many parents also prefer to monitor their children’s learning progress first-hand, instead of depending on the end-or-term report card to let them know if their child is having difficulty with a subject.
Finding The Correct Home Schooling Curriculum
The advent of the home PC with its Internet connection has also contributed significantly to the growing popularity of home schooling. The Internet allows parents new to what is involved with a home schooling curriculum to access inexpensive online schools with information on what is required of a home schooling curriculum, and daily lesson plans with activities which will help home schooling parents become effective teachers.
The local school district will also offer guidance on the necessary home schooling curriculum, along with suggestions on the best ways to keep your kids interested in their studies. There are also many excellent books on the subject of home schooling, written by educators and loaded with information on how to find the home schooling curriculum requirements in your school district, and the proper techniques for teaching the various subjects.
Required Subjects
The basic home schooling curriculum, however, is similar in all US states. It includes math, science history, and English, and children will of course have to learn how to read and write. Parents whose children show aptitude for other subjects like music, writing, or art can include those if they wish. The parents will be required to maintain a daily log of their childrens’ lessons, and the children will be required to progress at least as quickly as their public school counterparts. But the specific rules for home schooling may very from state to state. For more info see http://www.homeschoolresults.com/Articles/Florida_Home_Schooling.php on Florida Home Schooling.
The purpose of a home schooling curriculum is to make sure that the children have a clear idea of what material they need to cover each day and when they will be tested on it. It will also list the completion dates for their upcoming reports and other projects.
As long as your home schooled child performs well in his or her year-end exams, you school district superintendent is not likely to ask for a review of your home schooling curriculum. But an unsatisfactory score on the exam will require you to review you home schooling curriculum with the superintendent to determine its suitability and make any necessary adjustments.