The Homeschooling Mom Needs To Socialise
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When parents make the decision to home school their children, their primary concern is usually the lack of opportunity for their children to mix with other children on a regular basis.This is also one of the main criticisms used against homeschooling by it’s opponents. However, parents, too, can be affected by the lack of socialising opportunities. Many lifetime friendships between mothers have been formed at the school gates. Waiting for the children to emerge gives mothers …
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When parents make the decision to home school their children, their primary concern is usually the lack of opportunity for their children to mix with other children on a regular basis.This is also one of the main criticisms used against homeschooling by it’s opponents. However, parents, too, can be affected by the lack of socialising opportunities. Many lifetime friendships between mothers have been formed at the school gates. Waiting for the children to emerge gives mothers a great opportunity to chat and discuss school, bringing up children and all life’s little and not so little problems. Becoming involved with PTA committees and functions, as well as volunteering to help in the classroom and with school trips, means that over the thirteen to fourteen years a child may be in school,you can get to know a lot of other parents and teachers. When you homeschool your children, you aren’t presented with these same social opportunities, but you needn’t miss out and become a social hermit. For the homeschooling mom, there are still a variety of social situations out there waiting for you. Many of them are family oriented and can be included in your lesson plans. Better yet, several are low cost or free.
Join a homeschool group in your area.
These groups are very popular and located nationwide in many countries. As well as providing a support network to homeschooling families, they sponsor all types of social gatherings and educational field trips. If there is not a group near you, why not organize one yourself. You’ll make great connections with other parents who homeschool.
Join an online group.
You can build friendships and ‘be sociable’ in Cyberspace. An added bonus of online groups is that you will come in contact with moms from not only all over the United States but internationally as well – great for planning those geography and language lessons.
Teach a class to other homeschool moms
If you have a useful skill or interesting hobby,teach it to other homeschooling parents. It could be a purely recreational class or something educational, which parents can convert into lesson plans.
Teach in the community.
Take the class idea one step further and teach it at the community education level. Most school districts offer enrichment classes on a abundance of different subjects. Not only will this option afford you the chance to interact with your peers, it will also give you the opportunity to earn extra money.
Volunteer with your children.
There are many not for profit organizations which allow families to volunteer together.Animal shelters, nature reserves and soup kitchens are examples of ‘family friendly’ organizations that are always on the lookout for volunteers.In addition to helping a good cause, you will be meeting and socialising with others.
There are plenty of social opportunities for the homeschooling mom. Whatever you choose to get involved in, make time for your own social life and you will be a happier, well adjusted home school mom with lots to offer your family.