Health Tips

Pleasure, Pain, and Psychology

582 Summary: Pain and pleasure, even outside of the S&M and leather communities, can be very closely tied together. Physical pain can obviously be very disruptive to intimacy,but more often […]

Playing the Health Odds

This article was originally written by Dr. Randy Wysong Click here for a complete directory of pet friendly hotels _3524.shtml date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:11 category:health article: If every time we did something […]

Play More, Suffer Less

This article was originally written by Nancy Hill Click here for a complete directory of pet friendly hotels _3806.shtml date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:11 category:health article: I don’t even like the word “exercise” […]

Play Ball To Get Fit

This article was originally written by Lynn Bode Click here for a complete directory of pet friendly hotels _507.shtml date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10 category:health article: Chances are if you’ve stepped foot in […]