ARW Domestic Energy Conservation Measures

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Domestic Energy Conservation Measures

Domestic, Energy Conservation, energy

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Don’t leave lights on when no one is in the room. If you are going to be out of the room for more than five minutes, turn off the light.
If you know of a light that everyone fgov.inets to turn off, make a sticker or a sign to hang next to the switch that says “Lights Out!” or “Don’t Fgov.inet!”
Where possible, use compact fluorescent light bulbs. Those funny-looking bulbs produce the same amount of light by using 1/4 of the electricity. Plus, they last for years and years without burning out.
Make lighting control as local as possible
Adopt light coloured walls and ceilings
Think about illumination concept & lighting control system for a new installation well in advance
Maximise the use of daylight
Replace lamps after failure by new energy efficient types (like the 36 W fluorescent lamps) and use the right type of lamps for the right purpose (don’t use the CFLs in bathrooms, store rooms, etc., where switching frequency is more and usage time is less)
Ensure the correct disposal of lamps, particularly the fluorescent ones which result in mercury pollution
Switch off lights when it is not needed
Keep room surfaces, lamps and shades clean
Refrigerator not to be installed in areas where temperature is comparatively high or where there is no proper ventilation to carry away the heat from the condensor coils.
Switch off your refrigerator when you go on holidays provided no decay prone materials are inside.
Periodically clean the freezer
The choice of a refrigerator or a freezer is difficult because of the varieties and makes that are available.
Determine the right size, type and features depending upon our requirement (and not according to what our neighbours/relatives/friends possess).
Note that any additional comfort feature may consume more power and therefore more running cost.
Ask for the energy consumption figure for different models before finally taking a decision.
Do not put meals or drinks in a refrigerator
Choose the right temperature
Do not leave the door open for a long time
Do not frequently open and close the door; proper planning would help in this
Cover the cooked meals when you put them in the refrigerator
Audio and Video
The size of the equipment purchased should meet the requirements as closely as possible.
Wide screen televisions with stereo or surround sound are less energy efficient than televisions with more basic functions.
We should insist that suppliers provide full details of energy consumption and name plate ratings.
Do not leave televisions, video cassette recorders or music system on standby. Leaving any equipment in standby mode is wastage of energy.
Televisions, video cassette recorders and music system require almost no time to become fully operational and should not be left in standby mode. (off using remote controls).
Do not turn on your computer until you need to use it, and turn it off when you are finished.
Set your computer to go into “sleep” mode when not in use.
Computer peripherals such as scanners and printers also consume electricity; turn them off when they are not being used.
Take advantage of the energy saving features like an energy saving screen saver that will automatically put the monitor into sleep mode after a specified period of inactivity.
A computer with a low-profile or “small form factor” chassis generally consumes less energy than a mini-tower or full-sized desktop machine. (The larger machines require more robust power supplies to accommodate expansion options such as additional drives or plug-in cards. Often the expansion capabilities are not used.) Laptop computers are even more efficient.
Flat-panel displays, although more expensive than conventional (CRT) monitors, are far more energy efficient. They are also more space efficient.
A shared, networked printer can be more efficient than purchasing a personal printer for each individual in an office. Also consider getting a printer with duplex capability to allow printing on both sides of a sheet of paper. Finally, if you are looking for a personal printer, note that inkjet printers consume much less electricity than laser printers.
Configuring a computer to save electricity is easy. Activate your computer’s power management features by following the Windows configuration instructions below
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP:
1. Click the Start menu and select “Settings”
2. Select “Control Panel”
3. In the window that opens, double-click “Power Management”
4. Click the “Power Schemes” tab at the top of the window
5. Select “Home/Office Desk”
6. Set “Turn off monitor” and/or “Turn off hard disks” to 30 minutes
Don’t Leave Things Turned On
Turn off the TV when no one is watching it. The same goes for computers, radios and stereos – if no one is using it, turn it off. Turn off all the appliances at the surge protector/control strip – that four- or six-plug extension chord that you plug all your computer attachments. Some devices, like modems or other networking boxes are drawing small amounts of power all the time. The best thing to do is turn them ALL off at the surge protector, after use.
In the Bathroom
Wasting water wastes electricity. Why? Because the biggest use of electricity in most cities is for pumping and supplying water.
About 75 percent of the water we use in our homes is used in the bathroom. If you have a high flush toilet, you use about 15 liters to 25 liters of water with every flush! A leaky toilet can waste more than 40000 liters of water a year.
Another simple way to save water AND energy is to take shorter showers. You’ll use less hot water; water heaters account for nearly 1/4 of your home’s energy use and increases electricity bill.
In the Kitchen
If you need to warm up or defrost small amounts of food, use a microwave instead of the stove to save energy. Microwave ovens use around 50 percent less energy than conventional ovens do. For large meals, however, the stove is usually more efficient. In the summer, using a microwave causes less heat in the kitchen, which saves money on air conditioning.
Don’t keep the refrigerator door open any longer than you need to. Close it to keep the cold air inside! Also, make sure the door closes securely.
Is there an old refrigerator sitting in someplace at home? Old refrigerators are real energy hogs! Replace it if you don’t need it.
One large refrigerator is cheaper to run than two smaller ones.
Think About What Your Family Buys
If you buy things that can be used over and over instead of buying disposable items that are used once and then thrown away, you will save precious natural resources. You’ll also save energy used to make them, and you’ll reduce the amount of landfill space, we need when they are thrown away.
Those same savings happen when you buy things that will last instead of breaking right away. Well-made items may cost a little more to begin with, but they are usually worth the money because they last for a long time, and you don’t have to replace them.
When your family goes shopping, think about taking bags with you to reduce wastage of plastic carry bags.
Pick a spot in your house to store bags that you get from the grocery store. These bags can be used to carry things to friends’ houses or for trash linings.
Other Recycling Tips
Make a scrap-paper pad. Gather pieces of used paper with the blank side up. Find a piece of cardboard of the same size as the paper and put it at the back. Staple the whole thing together, and use it as a place to write down grocery lists or things to do.
You can save a tree for every four feet of paper you recycle. It takes half as much energy to make recycled newspaper as it takes to make fresh newsprint from trees.