Quick Overview on Birth Control Methods



With the various birth control methods available today, the challenge is to choose and decide for the one that works best for you. Knowing and understanding the different categories of birth control methods will surely help you in deciding which method to use. In line with this, the article provides a list of categories and descriptions of contraceptives.

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birth control methods

It is quite common today for sexually active men and women to use birth control methods or contraceptives for protection and pregnancy prevention purposes. Even young girls and teens are also using contraceptions, that is, of course, with consent from their parents and doctors. Indeed, contraceptions really paved the way to a more responsible and convenient way of family and pregnancy planning.
Some of the known birth control options are applicable to both men and women. Majority of these contraceptions are reversible, while others are permanent. Contraceptions also have different variations and are classified into different categories. Categories of birth control are hormonal, barrier, natural, withdrawal, and sterilization.
Determining which one works best for you
It is very important for you to become aware of the different categories and methods of birth control in order to determine which one works best for you. Take note that majority of the birth control methods, particularly the prescription ones are very efficient means of preventing pregnancy, but these do not really protect you from acquiring sexually transmitted diseases. Hence, if you are thinking of using any form of contraception, consider not only the failure rate of the varied options available, but also their capacity to protect you from serious transmitted illnesses.
The following are the different categories and descriptions of birth control methods:
1. Hormonal methods
Hormonal methods are administered in either of the following forms: implant, ring, or patch. These forms of birth control methods contain progesterone or estrogen hormone, thus, preventing conception.
a. Pills
These are taken daily, depending on the prescription and recommendation of the gynecologist.
b. Lunelle and Depo-Provera
Depo-Provera is an injection performed by medical specialists, which prevents pregnancy for only a couple of months. Lunelle, on the other hand, is also an injection treatment that prevents conception for only a month.
c. Birth control patch
This is placed directly on a woman’s skin. The patch is placed on the buttocks, upper arm, and hip of a person to release the hormones that are sticked on the patch’s edges. About four weeks of using the product, menstruation resumes.
2. Barrier
a. male condom
The male condom, which is regarded as the most typical type of barrier contraception method, is basically made from latex rubber material that is inserted into an erect penis before the intercourse.
b. Female condom
A condom for woman is a six to seven-inch long polyurethane pouch that has two flexible rings. It covers the vaginal canal and the cervix. The condom is inserted in the vagina before the intercourse.
c. Cervical cap
A cervical cap is like a small cup that is made from plastic or latex rubber. This is filled with a spermicidal jelly or cream that is then inserted and placed over the vagina’s cervix.
3. Withdrawal
In withdrawal method, the man is expected to remove his erect penis from the vagina before he ejaculates. The withdrawal method is probably the least efficient type of birth control method.
4. Sterilization
In female sterilization, it involves the surgical closing of the fallopian tubes. Meanwhile, the sterilization procedure for the male is called vasectomy, wherein it involves the surgical closing of tubes carrying the sperm.